The Imagination Station

Susanville,CA: Hello everybody! Today our circus welcomed a different bunch of volunteers. They were a little taller than usual (we had a 6 foot tall lion!), but just as much enthusiastic as the younger kids. Actually I have to say it: the teenagers that participated in our show were euphoric! It’s funny that the age range 14-17 is divided into “we are too old for this…” and “OMG! Let’s get dressed up!” Everyone is welcome at Circus Imagination it doesn’t matter how old, how young or where you come from as long as you are willing to let go of reality and jump into imagination land with us!

We also had a family come tell us today that they call the spot our circus sits at the fair the Imagination Station. They have been coming to our show for the past five years and after every fair they come home to create their own backyard circus! We love to hear those stories because that makes us feel our message is getting across: Play outside! Use your imagination! Allow yourself to have fun! Be creative!

Thank you to all the talented kids and chaotic teenagers that joined our show today! You guys are the real stars! Check out some pictures below!

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